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PlayStation 4 | PlayStation 2020-5-27 · PlayStation 官方网站 - PlayStation 4官方主页 PS4运用超群的描绘能力及处理性能,提供充满临场感的影像及犹如身历其境的游戏体验。 PlayStation Help PlayStation Help & Support PlayStation careers Website ©2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe Limited. All content, games titles, trade names and/or trade dress, trademarks, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks and/or copyright material of their respective owners.

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PlayStation(中国) 2020-6-19 · ©2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reinstall PlayStation 3 System Software Products & Subscriptions Account Management Billing & Payments Games Fix & Replace PlayStation Safety We’re here for you on Live Chat: Monday-Sunday 8AM-7PM PST. Due to high demand and staffing shortages, you may experience delays.

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Products & Subscriptions Account Management Billing & Payments Games Fix & Replace PlayStation Safety We’re here for you on Live Chat: Monday-Sunday 8AM-7PM PST. Due to high demand and staffing shortages, you may experience delays. PlayStation 4_百度百科 2013-11-15 · PlayStation 4是索尼电脑娱乐公司推出的家用游戏机。是PlayStation游戏机系列的第四代游戏主机,采用AMD Jaguar 8core处理器。2013年11月15日在北美地区开售,同年11月29日在欧洲、中部美洲、大洋洲、南非开始销售。2014年2月22日在日本 Fix & Replace | PlayStation-support | Sony … Få din PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation VR, DualShock 4 eller PlayStation VR-sigtecontroller repareret. Vores Fix & Replace-værktøj yder support, hvis din konsol ikke kan starte, hvis der ikke er noget billede på skærmen, hvis de analoge pinde eller knapperne er gået i stykker, slidte eller sætter sig fast, eller hvis der er diskfejl. Fix & Replace | PlayStation Support | Sony PlayStation Get your PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation VR, DualShock 4 or your PlayStation VR Aim Controller repaired. Our fix & replace tool offers support if your console doesn’t power up, if there is no image on the screen, if your analogue joysticks or buttons are faulty, worn or sticky, or if there are some discs errors. Replacements will be offered if necessary.